OUR BLOG IS BACK! And some CBD to follow!
Greetings friends!
Yes it has been three years since I wrote a blog post! I have in that time had a baby boy, who is now two years old, and grown my business substantially! These days a 40 hour work week looks something like a scene from Cocktail where Tom Cruz has to make a thousand fancy drinks in five minutes, meanwhile keeping his girlfriend happy. Well something along those lines but with a toddler! I am a working mom now, when I get home from work I cook dinner for my son Grayson and my hubby Joel. We chat about the day, read some books and then its bed-time where I always fall asleep with my two year old because, hey why not. I need the sleep because during the day my brain is on overload! I am multi tasking like crazy. This week has been all about design work, but the daily stuff that needs done doesn't just slip away. I have to shift gears and turn my focus to finances for a few hours, then there was a creative team call (the exciting stuff), meeting with display maker for Indie Beauty Expo, then some CBD Cream production, then back to design and maybe then the day is done.
I think many mothers can relate to what I do, even if they don't have a business or even a job because motherhood alone is a massive task that takes an incredible amount of focus, determination, multi-tasking, patience, understanding, analysis and energy! Those of us that do have to be away from our little ones during the day, we miss them. I miss my son everyday I'm at work, it's just a fact of life for me right now. I mention this because the stress can be overwhelming. We get run down, lose sleep, lose patience, and some of the new products I am launching can certainly help us all with these issues.
I am excited about the new projects we are working on. In the coming weeks you will see more and more about our new product lines. At first you might think its very different from perfume, so why is it all under the Tulip brand? There is a reason and we will explain in full what we have done in the past and what we are doing into the future around CBD.
CBD is trending, unless you have been under a rock the last couple of years it is pretty big! There is a reason, in fact many reasons which I will share with you through this Blog on our website and in Newsletters, so subscribe if you can!
I am happy to be back writing here! I do have a creative team who are also very passionate about Wellness and about Tulip's new CBD Topicals, Tinctures and Skincare products and you will see posts from them as well!
In the meantime stay focused, breathe and keep the stress down.
All the Best
Victoria England